Thursday, February 25, 2010


These past few weeks have been relatively unproductive for me because of a very important something on television, affectionately known as the Olympics. And my mother was worried about a boyfriend destroying my grades. She should have been more worried about that awesome display of athleticism on Channel Five from 7-11 every single night. I think I've spent more time in front of the TV these past two weeks than I have for the whole beginning of the semester (though in all honesty, that's probably not true). Not much gets done when the Olympics are on, except writing my daily post and chatting with friends on facebook. And yet I still watch it every night.

I'm not alone in my Olympic viewing tonight (though most nights I'm not alone; at least one of my roommates is always watching too). All five of the girls in my apartment are crammed into our living room, in front of our ridiculously huge television that was graciously left here by a previous resident, watching the woman's long program in figure skating. It's the first time in, like, ever that all five of us have done something together as an apartment (I'm sure we've probably done something altogether before, but I have an awful memory). And it's really quite fun!

This leads me to the conclusion that I am grateful for the Olympics. They have this tendency of bringing people together, and not just in my apartment. The whole world seems to pause during the Olympics, and everyone acts polite and courteous towards everyone else (except American women skiers, apparently), and all the athletes shake hands and tell each other good job and great performance. It's just such a happy, friendly time that I almost wish the Olympics happened year-round. Except then my GPA really would be shot.

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