Saturday, February 27, 2010

Double-Stuf Oreos

You know those days when all you want to do is sit on the couch, hug a fluffy pillow, and have a chick flick marathon until 2 in the morning, complete with sweatpants and chocolate ice cream? Yep, had one of those days today. Well, felt like having one of those days. To be fair, I have sat on the couch for several hours, but I've hugged no fluffy pillows and only watched one chick flick (while doing homework). Plus I'm wearing jeans, and ate carrots instead of chocolate ice cream (I'm rather proud of my restraint there). So my day really hasn't been anywhere near as pathetic as it could have been!

Why was today one of those days? It all started with this unfortunate little disease known as homesickness. Really, it doesn't deserve its name. It should be called that-ridiculous-feeling-you-get-when-you-realize-you're-living-by-yourself-3,000-miles-from-home. Or something along those lines. See, I'm generally not a homesick type of person, but when that stupid disease hits, it hits HARD, and I start missing pretty much everything. I have no idea why it hit today, or how it even began really, but suddenly I was missing my mom and my dad; my brothers; my house and my long-dead car; the trees in my front yard, and backyard, and all over my hometown; my high school; my ward; and the Rita's down the street. I even started missing my dog, and we don't get along! And then, because I was already missing pretty much everything from home, that obnoxious disease decided I might as well miss everything else in my life, like that boy who lives entirely too far away. Why not, right? So considerate, to make sure nothing felt left out. Hopefully by now you realize why it felt like one of those days for me.

As I sat there wallowing in self-pity on my couch, I remembered: I had a brand-new package of Double-Stuf Oreos waiting just for me in the pantry. Hallelujah! My faith in life was restored! I quickly descended on the package; the poor thing had no chance. Don't worry, I did manage to exercise restraint and not wolf down the whole thing (though I dearly wanted to), but what I did eat boosted my spirits very nicely. I'm so grateful for those wonderful black-and-white morsels of heaven, because life would be pretty awful without them.

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