Friday, July 30, 2010

Being Entertained

Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm afraid I'm out of practice with this daily blog thing, because I can't think of anything to write about. This is pathetic. At least I remembered that I needed to blog, so that's something.

The truth is, my mood has been less than positive for the past few days, and it puts a damper on my grateful thoughts. While I was in school, stressed out of my mind by taking too many credits and working too many hours, I dreamed of the blissful days of summer, when I would be home with nothing to do and hours to do it in, not a care in the world disrupting my well-earned break from the responsibilities of life. It sounds so idyllic, written out like that, but in reality it's anything but. The reality is that I am bored.

I have absolutely nothing to do with my days. Sure, it's nice to have a day like that every so often, when you can unwind and take a quick little break from life. But day after day after day of entertaining myself with cross stitch and TV movies takes it toll, and I have four more weeks of it. I'll be lucky if I come out the other end with my sanity still intact.

Thankfully (there we have some gratitude!), my mother is willing to entertain me. Or maybe she's simply trying to entertain herself and decides to take pity on me by taking me to movies with her and letting me talk her ear off about the wonderfulness of Skyler. Either way, she holds off the boredom for a portion of each day and helps me retain what I call my sanity. I'm grateful to be entertained.

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