Saturday, July 31, 2010


Saturday, July 31, 2010

The speed at which time seems to whiz by is a constant source of amazement to me. How one minute, it's June, and I'm dragging myself through the last days of Spanish class, and how seemingly hours later, it's the last day of July, and summer is half gone. I'm convinced there really are not enough hours in the day, because some of them must get skipped for life to go so fast. I can't seem to think of another explanation.

I suppose I'm not complaining at the lack of time, since just yesterday I was moaning about the abundance of time on my hands, but it does occasionally worry me that my days are speedily sliding away. What if, in all those hours that get left out of the day, I'm missing some extremely important lesson I need to learn that will help me through the rest of my life? I think time needs to stop and smell the roses, at least long enough for me to catch up.

Yet, I know very well that it will not. Time will continue the crazy race that it's running, sprinting toward it's unseen finish. Personally, I think a nice, slow mosey pace would do wonders for my peace of mind, but nobody asked me. At least I can be grateful for the happiness of my breakneck life, because there's no doubt that overall, life is very good. Though there's always room to find more joy in this high-speed journey.

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