Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The College-Student Feeling

I just woke up from a much longer nap that I was planning on. And then proceeded to down almost an entire sleeve of Ritz crackers. My mouth now feels like Sahara Desert, and my brain is still quite foggy (waking up is never a smooth process for me). But, I decided that instead of climbing the mountain of work I still have ahead of me, I would blog for the day, so that 11:42 doesn't roll around tonight and find me still in need of a post (which is what tends to happen most nights; sometimes I only remember when I receive my daily stalker-text about it). This seemed like a good idea at the time, but the more alert I become, the more I wonder why it did. Gosh, I sound like a stereotypical college student.

In keeping with that theme, today was a stereotypical college-student day. I went to class, held a few tutoring conference for my job, went to more class, picked up some essays for my other job, and went home. Where I then engaged in the college-student-appropriate activities described above. What a day.

Really, though, as pathetic as it may sound, I enjoy being a stereotypical college student. It's actually quite fun. Well, perhaps fun is the wrong word, because nothing about all-nighters or four tests in one week can really be classified by it. It's actually quite . . . liberating, I guess we'll say. High school was not a very liberating time for me because of certain restrictions, like curfew, that I dealt with. Even freshman year wasn't very liberating; it was more like an extension of high school while not living at home. But this year. This year has been a drastic change from anything I was used to before. Living a mile from campus with no meal plan and no car tends to make you grow up rather quickly. And gives you the feeling that you're a real college student now. It's quite exciting, and I'm grateful for that feeling. It makes me think I can actually do this whole thing they call "adulthood."

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