Monday, April 26, 2010


Attention, dear reader - I apologize for the lack of posts the past few days. I suppose I've broken my rule of writing every day, which is why I've decided to amend it against any further infractions: I must write a post for every day, but it doesn't actually have to be posted on the day it refers to. This means I have five posts to catch up on. Fear not; I have a very good reason for my deficient posting. Which you will discover as soon as I begin my catch-up. And in an effort to keep the tone of this blog day-to-day, each post will be written as though I actually wrote it on the day it's about. Hopefully I've covered all my bases here, and that it all makes sense, so I can now move on to the actual posts.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I AM GOING TO DISNEYLAND! I think I have yet to soak up the amazing-ness of that statement. See, as a child, I never went on vacation to any remotely-Disney-related theme park because my family was too busy taking trips to Utah. Not the most ideal destination for a kid, but there wasn't much I was capable of doing about it. However, now that I am twenty years old, I can go to Disneyland! Let me tell you the story.

Way back in February, my roommates and I participated in the Give a Day, Get a Disney Day program, and we each got a voucher for one free day at a Disney park. We decided we'd go on a road trip to Disneyland at some time in the vague future, but never picked a date. Well, it almost looked like it wouldn't ever pan out. Until this week.

Skyler decided that he would surprise me with something awesome for my birthday, and I had absolutely no idea what. I take that back - I had a vague idea by this morning that we'd be going to Disneyland, but he is a master secret-keeper, and I couldn't get anything out of him. About 11:30, he told me to pack my suitcase again because we were going out of town. Maren and her brothers came and picked us up, and we headed towards Vegas. Where were we going? No clue, because they STILL wouldn't tell me. Can I express to you how infuriating that was? Well, after driving for about forty-five minutes, Skyler finally confided that we were going to Vegas. Vegas? I was so confused.

But it was all okay, because Vegas was way cool too. At least I thought it would be. Never having been there, I can't really say. But I thought, hey, Vegas for the weekend. That's awesome! I don't know what we're going to do, but it'll be great! Besides, if nothing else, the company is pretty cool. Alright Vegas. And then we drove right by it. Instant confusion. And yet somehow, Skyler managed to convince me that it wasn't a big deal, because we were staying in a hotel outside of Vegas. Slight suspicion, but I'm overly trusting. No big deal.

Half an hour outside Vegas, I finally learned the truth. WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND TOMORROW! Best birthday surprise I've ever received. I honestly can't believe how amazingly awesome it is. Really, nothing could be better. Tonight, I'm grateful for surprises, and for the person who planned this wonderful surprise. Boy, am I one lucky girl.

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