Thursday, April 15, 2010

Required Activities

As obnoxious as it can sometimes be to live with all girls, there are times when girl roommates are absolutely fantastic. Like today. It would have been glorious today no matter what I did because the sun was out and the temperature was perfect and it was a reading day (aka day of relaxation; I lucked out on the easiness of my finals). But my day's activities, and my roommates, made the whole thing that much better.

We've developed a habit in my apartment of requiring each other to participate in certain activities. For example, when my roommates and I went to dinner at Five Guys Burgers and Fries a few weeks back (see my post from some day in the recent past), I received a text telling me it was not optional that I attend the roommate dinner. And yesterday, when Maren and Hanna were going to throw a frisbee in the park, they informed me that I had no choice but to come. Well, that happened again today, except I was the one requiring instead of being required. Sam and I decided to take a lovely jaunt up Provo Canyon, because of the breathtakingly beautiful weather, and we required Hanna to come along. A more genius idea has never been concocted. The Provo Canyon excursion ended in a mall trip, and the whole adventure was the most worthwhile thing I've done in a long time (that may not be true, but at the moment it seems to be). So I'm grateful for roommates who require activities because they always seem to turn out wonderfully. And who knows, I might not have such fun roommates if I get to go to Jerusalem. Which means I better take advantage while I can.

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