Saturday, April 10, 2010

Five Dollar Movies

I have a very large soft spot for movies, especially movies that I've seen before. That may sound abnormal, and it is. But I've developed the habit of listening to movies like others listen to music. Which is why I love movies that I've seen before; I don't have to watch them, and can be totally content just listening while I do other things, like fold laundry or work out (neither of which happen as often as they should). It's gotten so bad that now, when I sit down to watch a movie, even if I haven't seen the movie before, I feel like I have to be doing something productive. Case in point: right now, I'm watching A Knight's Tale and writing this post. It's a habit that I've been trying to break, with limited success so far.

The reason I bring up my strange movie habit is because of tonight's trip to Target. We went looking for a few shirts, a cake pan, and contact solution. Really, I wasn't there for anything more than moral support, to give my honest opinion whenever my roommate tried a shirt on (though I did remember while there that I needed new deodorant, so it turned into a very worthwhile trip). As my roommates and I wandered around the woman's section, we notice a rack of five dollar movies next to the check-out line. Nothing draws me faster in stores than displays of cheap movies, except maybe office supplies, or on-sale earrings. I very rarely find anything that I'm interested in; most movies on $5 movie racks are obscure films made in the 80s that no one ever watched but the mother of the director, but I still like to look regardless.

On occasion, I strike gold. And tonight, I definitely struck gold. In fact, I struck it twice, which happens about as often as my brother cleans his room. I found two fantastic movies on the $5 movie rack: A Knight's Tale and The Sandlot (hence why we're watching A Knight's Tale right now). I couldn't believe it. When does is ever happen that two such classics are found on the exact same sale rack on the exact day that I happen to be in the store and at the exact time that I happen to be looking at said sale rack? Practically never, that's when! But there they were, both movies begging for me to buy them. I firmly told myself NO. I didn't need more movies, I said to myself, and besides I'm trying to save money for when I hopefully get into the Jerusalem Center. I'd almost convinced myself to step back and walk away when my roommate picked them up and shoved them into my arms. "Just buy them," she said. "You know you want to, and they're only five dollars. Just do it." So I did, exhibiting not a single shred of restraint, and feeling no buyer's remorse. I'm grateful I did, as I sit here comfortable on my couch already watching one of the two. The fact that they were only five dollars makes my comfort that much sweeter.

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