Monday, April 5, 2010


Previous to tonight, I did not have very fond thoughts regarding the manager of my apartment. She's a little . . . special, to put it nicely. And we've all had a few instances where we don't understand how anyone trusted her to manage an apartment. But that's neither here nor there. Because what happened today earned her several positive points in my book.


Maren remembered at about 6:00 this evening that we were supposed to have cleaning checks tomorrow. This did not jive with any of our schedules. Sam has a huge final tomorrow morning; I have two huge papers due tomorrow afternoon. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. We're all swamped with work, and are slowing losing our minds. So the idea of cleaning checks was not at all a welcome one. Well, we decided to text our manager in the very slim chance that she would cancel cleaning checks. Really it made sense, because she'll be checking us out when we all move in two weeks anyway, so it seemed pointless in our minds to clean everything now and then again in two weeks. Her reply practically made my day, if not my week: "Well sure. Let's cancel them." I was ecstatic. Tonight, I'm grateful for the mercy of our manager who took pity on five stressed out college students. And earned brownie points to boot.

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