Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yesterday, I said that I would include pictures of my trip at some later date. Well, this is the later date. (I apologize if you're tired of hearing about my vacation, but I'm just so happy about it, I can't help going on and on. I promise I'll try to cut back on my giddiness after this post.) Anyways, this post is going to be mainly pictures, because a picture is worth a thousand words, right? And this way, I don't have to come up with clever writing. Win-win, in my book. Here goes.

Sleeping Beauty's castle. Is there any more classic Disney image than a fairytale palace?

Buzz Lightyear. To infinity, and beyond! (Don't judge - you're never too old for Disney.)

I personally think we're adorable jailbirds.

She's so cool, and not just because she helped planned the trip. That just made her extra cool.

We're SO ridiculously attractive, it blows my mind.

Goofy's house! We're practically best friends.

See? He loves us.

Luckiest girl ever? I think so. So good, it's almost like a fairytale.

And the beach. Which was hard to find, but so worth it in the end.

Where would we be without the obligatory sand-covered feet picture? Besides, I know Skyler just loves this one. So I had to include it.

There you have it - a picture post to accompany the monster word post of yesterday. So now you can read about my trip, and then go see it too! I think I now have thoroughly expressed all my feelings about it, so maybe tomorrow I'll go back to normal posts. But no promises. I just loved it that much. Especially my fellow vacationers; I couldn't have asked for better. And I'm grateful for pictures, so that I can share my joy with anyone who'd care to see it.

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