Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Memory Lane

I've always wanted to go on a really cool trip to some completely foreign country where they don't even remotely speak English. dice. At least not yet. One of these days I'll talk my dad into letting me tag along on one of his business trips to somewhere awesome, but until then I'm stuck in the US of A.

And until that magical day, I have to consent myself with going on different trips. Today happened to be "a trip down memory lane." Let me explain how this happened. It was recently brought to my attention that I might get facebook picture stalked on occasion, so I decided to go back through a few of my older albums to make sure they didn't contain anything too incriminating. I expected to find a few pictures from my awkward years that really shouldn't be on facebook, and maybe a few that were actually funny despite their extreme embarrassment, but I actually found an enjoyable time. It was quite fun to go through all those old pictures because it brought back all those old memories, which were much less awkward to sift through than the pictures were. And you know, I've had a pretty fun life.

Well then I started getting all nostalgic and had several of those "Oh remember when..." moments, and I tragically didn't have anyone to share them with. It's just not really the same unless you can talk about it with someone who was really there, because someone who wasn't there wouldn't understand why you laughed so hard at the slimy stuff you stuck your hand in, or the fact that you forgot sunscreen, or whatever the inside joke was. Regardless, all those good times from way back when were still fun to think about. And thinking about them made me realize that I really am a lucky girl, both back then and now. I've got a good life. And today I have memory lane to thank for reminding me of that fact.

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