Wednesday, March 10, 2010

TV Breaks

Today was quite the boring day, mostly because I spent a good bit of time going through those 150 student essays and giving feedback on how to restructure theses about Moses and unify paragraphs about Abraham. I don't blame you if you're so bored you want to fall asleep after reading that; just imagine reading at least 5 pages of that per essay, and you'll start to feel my pain. I've only gone through 14 of the 150, and I'm not sure if I want to cry myself to sleep or bang my head against the wall at this point. This is going to be a long few weeks.

Luckily I've discovered a very good break-time activity, for those wonderful moments when I get a relief from the drudgery of slogging through sentences. It's called catching up on the TV shows I missed because I was working when they were actually on TV. I know it sounds a little counter-productive. Why don't I just watch the TV shows when they're actually on and work a different time right? Because where's the fun in that? Besides, if I actually watched the TV shows when they were on TV, then I wouldn't have a fun break-time activity! So really it makes perfect sense.

Chuck was my viewing pleasure during today's break. It was quite a good show, and definitely a worth-while break. Because somehow, stupid spy jokes combat dry research papers very nicely. It was a small tragedy in my life when the show ended and it was back to reality. But, you'll be happy to know, I already have my break-time scheduled for tomorrow; Numb3rs is on the menu. Thank you, whoever invented TV shows. They make my work schedule infinitely more enjoyable.

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