Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Meteorological PMS"

I'm pretty sure Mother Nature has gone insane. At least during March in Provo. On Friday, it was pretty nice in the morning, but by the afternoon it was chilly. On Saturday, it snowed. On Sunday, it was sunny and freezing cold. On Monday, it was pretty nice. And today, it's been absolutely gorgeous. Blue skies, sunshine, WARMTH. I was sweating just walking to the edge of campus so that I could start my walk home. Contrast that with Sunday's blue skies, sunshine, and FREEZING weather: I started to walk home then and thought I was going to get frostbite. You'd think El Nino picks the day's weather out of a hat. "Oh look, today it says snowstorm! Yesterday was sunny and 60? No big deal! We'll just blame it on March and make everyone suffer!"

These ridiculous weather mood swings definitely factor into my dislike of Provo. I believe I started explaining this dislike in an earlier post (my St. George one, to be exact) but I've never gotten around to finishing it. I supposed now is as good a time as any! I was fascinated by Provo when I first moved here. It's so different from Maryland that it was like a shiny new toy: you love it for a while, and you just can't get enough. But then you get bored. And in Provo, it's very easy to get bored. Add to that boredom my discovery that I like trees more than mountains, and you get a recipe for disaster. I think my dislike was solidified when it snowed during finals week of Winter semester last year. At the END of April. And by snow, I don't mean a few wimpy flurries. I mean enough-snow-to-build-a-fort-in snow. Moving from a state where the hint of snow meant school cancellation to a state where the snow-pocalypse could happen without the slightest school schedule change, I was highly displeased by this unholy dumping. All it did was make my life miserable, and right around the time of my birthday, no less! But besides that, Provo just doesn't have as many distractions as a city like, oh, St. George does. Though, let's face it, not many cities do. This whole rant is entirely off topic. Let's get back on track.

How does this all play into gratitude? Well, as much as I may complain, I am enjoying the current weather. So today I'm grateful for the "meteorological PMS," as my friend so aptly described it, because it made for blue skies and sunshine. Tomorrow, I might not be so grateful, but today, the weather was a beautiful thing.

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