Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Few Bright Moments Of Actual Memory

Sometimes I honestly believe I was a goldfish with a five-second memory in another life. Which is why I think I love elephants so much. Really I'm subconsciously jealous of their memories, since elephants never forget and all that. See, I thought of a very good idea for tonight's post, complete with opening sentence and title, about five minutes ago, and within the past five minutes I've managed to forget everything I thought of. Pathetic? Yes, I think so.

So here I am, idea-less. And motivation-less. Can you believe it's already the last day of March? Because I sure can't. Last winter semester, March was a devil month. It was full of work and stress and cold and more stress, with no breaks whatsoever, and I swear it lasted for half a year. But this winter, I can't believe it's already gone. Sure, I was stressed and overloaded and cold still, but looking back, I can't remember when. Because these past thirty-one days have been non-existent. Not that I'm complaining, because underneath all that stress, March has been fantastically happy. But still. I'm not sure how I feel about my life flashing by so quickly.

Well, my fantastic idea has still not returned. Darn my awful memory. I wish I could say I was grateful for my memory, but . . . well, I had an end to this sentence, but I got distracted by The Pacifier on TV and now I've forgotten it. Do you understand why I'm not grateful for my memory? Or really my lack thereof. Though I guess I am grateful for the few bright moments of actual memory that pop up once in a blue moon. I always feel so special when those happen. And they don't come often. So word to the wise: if you have something especially important that you need me to remember, please put it in writing. Then text me about it. And a phone call wouldn't hurt either.

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