Friday, March 19, 2010

Summer Internship

Today was an absolutely fantastic day. Well the weather not so much. But the rest of it was just great. First and foremost, it was Friday. Best day of the week (and one week mark). Second, I got free pizza. Props to Maren for suggesting we go to the tennis match (where said pizza was). Third, the evening was fun, random Walmart excursion and sold-out movie included. And fourth, I got a summer internship!! It's not a paid internship, which means I still need to find a summer job, but at least it's a start! I'm so excited about it that I have to tell you the story.

So I was searching on the BYU website a few weeks ago and found this internship with a website called It's an organization like those websites that review movie content to see if it's suitable for children, but it reviews young adult books instead. So concerned mothers can read reviews of books to see if the content is appropriate for their children. Well, I thought that sounded like a good cause, and a lot of fun (reading young adult books for a job? Could it get any cooler?), so I emailed the lady in charge, and she replied saying that she'd love to see my resume. After a much more extensive email conversation that's entirely too boring to include here, we set up an interview for this afternoon. The only catch was we set up a time but not a place, and I was supposed to wait for her call sometime today to know where to meet. So I made sure to look all nice (like skirt and heels nice, because that's what you normally do for an interview), and headed off to class, slightly stressed about the whole thing. The interview was scheduled for two o'clock in the afternoon. She called at one-thirty. I was sitting at the BYU Men's tennis match with my roommate practically hyperventilating with panic by that time. But she gave me the place, and I made it in time. Crisis averted.

It ended up being one of the most informal interviews I've ever had. We sat at a table in the common area of the Brimhall Building (which I'd never been in before and is rather sketchy), and chatted. That's the best way to describe it. She and the other lady in charge (who was also there) were both in jeans, and about five minutes in, they started discussing my job responsibilities. Really I think it was one of those interviews where they've pretty much decided to hire me, but they want to meet just to make sure that I'm not psycho. And apparently I'm not. Which is always good to know.

That's the story. And now I have an internship where I get to spend my summer reading books and writing reviews. Nerdy? Maybe a little. A good experience? I hope so. Super exciting and extremely fun? ABSOLUTELY. And now I don't have to stress about finding some prestigious editing internship for the summer that I would be miserable doing, because I found a very relaxed one that I will have fun with. I couldn't be more grateful.

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