Sunday, March 7, 2010

Moral Support

Do you ever feel like you're too young for your life? Like you have to be too responsible, and make decisions that you're not ready for? I hate that feeling, and yet I seem to feel it more and more often the older I get. Like today, for instance.

I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Let me explain. I like being happy. Who doesn't, right? But I don't like feeling that my happiness comes at the expense of others', and right now, I feel like it does. See, I'm extremely happy. I love my life, because I have just about everything I could want (except maybe a Spring Break, and a million dollars). Yet, I know that in order to stay this happy, I have to be the bearer of really really bad news to someone else. How can I in good conscience do something that I know will hurt another person? And at the same time, how can I not do it and hurt myself? It's quite an awful dilemma.

I know this post is a bit depressing, and you might even be wondering how anything grateful will come out of it. But I promise I'm getting there. I decided (with a little help) that honesty is the best policy in this situation, and it's better to just get the hurt over with, like a BandAid. However, just because I made that decision doesn't mean it will be an easy one. Lucky for me, I know I have moral support, so no matter how difficult it gets, I have someone to lean on. And tonight I say, thank you for that.

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