Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bridal Shower Shopping

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sam's bridal shower is tomorrow. I have never in my life been to a bridal shower, much less to a bridal shower where the guests are college students. I always figured they were for all the old ladies in your ward to give you practical gifts like lamp shades and tupperware. And there are certain bridal showers like that. But then there are others, affectionately called 'toned-down bachelorette parties' by those in attendance. Tomorrow's bridal shower is expected to fall under the latter category. And I'm not sure I can handle the all sorts of awkward it will be.

In preparation for tomorrow's festivities, Maren and I spent the evening at Walmart. Maren ended up in charge of the whole thing, and I volunteered to be her trusty sidekick, which meant I accompanied her to the store so that I could push the cart. We spent entirely too long in the store, and were practically going stir-crazy by the time we were done; I'm almost surprised we made it out of there alive.

But we managed, and then spent the rest of the evening making Oreo truffles, divine little creations that take very little effort and almost no time to whip up. I must say, the knowledge that these heavenly morsels will be in attendance tomorrow makes me quite a bit more excited for the whole thing, awkwardness and all. Hopefully I make it through tomorrow without too much blood rushing to my face. Let's not think about that; I want to bury my face in a pillow by just starting to. Instead, I'll settle for being grateful for bridal shower shopping. Anything at Walmart is always an adventure.

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