Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Maryland Roads

Friday, April 30, 2010

It's always been a source of confusion for me when people say they hate driving; I just can't grasp that concept. I love driving! Mind you, this could be the part of me speaking that's been car-less for two years, but I liked driving even before my loving brother totaled my faithful car two months after I put the keys in his possession. I passed my permit test with flying colors on the first possible day I could, and I squeaked by on my license test shortly thereafter, so I was a legal, insured driver almost before I went on my first date.

However, since I am currently car-less, I've had very few opportunities to drive in the past few years. Which is why it was so exciting to be able to drive today! Maren and I made what's becoming a routine pilgrimage to St. George. Halfway through the drive, she decided that she wasn't alert enough to drive, and I took over. I'd forgotten how much I loved driving as we cruised down the freeway. Then we actually made it to St. George, and I rediscovered the downsides of it. First was the retarded roundabout with two lanes (sort of) and seven exits with medians thrown in for good measure. Then there was the school zone, where I swear I saw a snail moving faster than the cars. It was almost worse than driving through downtown DC after an Orioles game. We eventually made it to Maren's house (after a few close calls), and a crisis was averted.

The whole experience made me realize something I never thought of before: Maryland is a great state to drive in, especially when compared to Utah. I'm grateful I've had the privilege of driving in that beautiful place for most of my motoring career, because I'm pretty sure I would have died by now if not for the wonderful thing that are Maryland roads.

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